Un cardo, su presencia y singularidad se ven en el distanciamiento justo de trazado y palabra
Un cardo.
La apariencia, la presencia de lo que está presente me ha detenido ante esta planta con su peculiaridad.
Distingo su tallo, sus hojas alargadas y frágiles con ese perfil que en su base tiene una interrupción, su flor que es un cilindro vertical.
Nuestra capacidad de distinguir sus partes en el dibujo, la flor, el tallo, las hojas, nos viene de las palabras, constatamos que hay partes dibujadas aún no distinguidas con un nombre. Así nuestra especulación espacial se la debemos a este distanciamiento entre lo trazado sobre el papel y las palabras que le adjudicamos a la experiencia del dibujo ante el cardo. Este distanciamiento está medido porque no son tantas palabras de manera que el dibujo se vuelva un accidente dentro del texto, ni son tan pocas palabras que no alcancen a decir y solo sean un título o una exclamación.
La bella singularidad de este cardo nos permite decir algo acerca del sí mismo de la observación que es distinguir. Este distinguir está construido por este distanciamiento justo entre dibujo y palabra, distancia justa que es ver.
English version by Mary Ann Steane.
A thistle, its presence and singularity are seen in the just distancing of outline and word.
A thistle.
The appearance, the presence of what is present stopped me in front of this plant with its peculiarity.
I distinguish its stem, its lengthened and fragile leaves with this outline that has as its base an interruption, its vertical cylinder of a flower.
Our capacity to distinguish its parts in the drawing, the flower, the stem, the leaves, comes from words. We find that there are even parts that have been drawn that are not distinguished with a name. Thus we owe our spatial speculation to this distance between the tracing on the paper and the words that we attach to the experience of drawing in front of the thistle. This distance is measured because there are not so many words that the drawing becomes an accident within the text, nor so few that they do not succeed in saying anything and are just a title or exclamation.
The beautiful singularity of this thistle permits us to say something about observation itself that is distinctive. This distinguishing is constructed through this justifiable distancing between drawing and word, a just distance that is seeing.