agosto 10, 2010

Conferencias Espacio, Lenguaje & Forma


La Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño invita a sus alumnos y a la comunidad universitaria a un ciclo charlas a realizarse los días martes 17 y viernes 20 de Agosto, a las 11.30 hrs. en la sala de Primer Año de Arquitectura.

Hugh Dubberly
Diseñador, socio en Dubberly Design Office (DDO), estudio de diseño en San Francisco especializado en hardware, software e interacción de sistemas y servicios. Se especializa en diseño de información y visualización gráfica. Ha trabajado en múltiples empresas de diseño como Apple y AOL, entre otras. Ha sido editor de la revista Interactions de la ACM, escribiendo numerosos artículos sobre innovación, interacción y servicios.

Dr. Toni Kotnik
MArch MAS ETH ARCH/CAAD Dipl.Math, Arquitecto y Matemático, Profesor, Studio Master AA Graduate School, Architectural Association, Emergent Technologies and Design, Londres, Reino unido y Senior Researcher, Director de Diseño Estructural, Facultad de Arquitectura, ETH, Zurich, Suiza. Fundador de Kotnik Arquitectos, Zurich, Suiza. Ha orientado su quehacer académico en el área del diseño estructural, modelamiento y tecnología.

Models as a Tool for Designing – Hugh Dubberly

Martes 17 de Agosto, 11.30 hors.

The simplest way to describe the design process is to divide it into two phases: analysis and synthesis. Or preparation and inspiration. But those descriptions miss a crucial element—the connection between the two, the active move from one state to another, the transition or transformation that is at the heart of designing. How do designers move from analysis to synthesis? From problem to solution? From current situation to preferred future? From research to concept? From constituent needs to proposed response? From context to form?

How do designers bridge the gap?

Structural Design: Towards a Tectonic of Loading and Bearing – Toni Kotnik

Viernes 20 de Agosto, 11.30 hrs.

The rise of the digital in architectural design is fostering changes in the discipline at a fundamental level. This process of retooling not only changes the way architecture is thought about and designed but more important it changes the way architecture emerges as a material fact: architectural morphogenesis out of an intensive field of information full of ubiquitous differences. It has resulted in flexible architectural form that no longer obeys the typological logic of traditional structural systems but requires a comparable liquefaction of structural form, too. Graphic statics, a method of stepwise construction of the force flow that originated in the 19th century, offers a possibility for such a necessary opening up of structural thinking. It is based on simple vector-geometric operations that link compression and tension forces in a structural system and enables the construction of a parametric model of the relationship between structural form and force flow. The lecture describes the basic principle behind the method and its potential for use in the design process.

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